What Part Of “Enforce The Laws” Do They NOT Understand?

We already have a dozen federal gun laws on the books that are NOT being enforced. Obama’s home town, Chicago, has the highest crime rate involving guns in the entire country. It has more murders per capita than anywhere in the usa.

Is he and his cronies, both Democrats and Republicans, even thinking about getting tougher and punishing the criminals who use guns to kill people and commit violent crimes? NO NOT EVEN CLOSE! Their solution is to pass more laws that also will not be applied to CRIMINALS.

I, for one, don’t believe those numb nuts will ever understand or realize that the peaceful law-abiding citizens are not now, and never have been the problem. The criminals are the killers, and they will not care how many more laws the politicians pass.

About J. D. Groover

I truely believe that what should matter most in life is how you see yourself, not how someone else tries to convince you to see yourself. *****Life is not about "finding yourself"*****its about creating yourself.!!!!! I write and post things here because I like to think I am contributing some things of value to my world. Some times a little humor, some times things with a more serious tone, but hopefully always in good taste. If what I post occasionally bites a politician in the ass, all the better :>)
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